BoC is explaining how ridiculous it is to think these ice cores are not as old as scientists say. It would really mean Jehovah is a trickster God who deceives humanity on purpose by planting false evidence. Makes no sense.
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
BoC is explaining how ridiculous it is to think these ice cores are not as old as scientists say. It would really mean Jehovah is a trickster God who deceives humanity on purpose by planting false evidence. Makes no sense.
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
Another dating methods that disproves a worldwide flood: dendrochronology. Matching patterns in tree rings have made it possible to construct a tree ring database up to 11.000 years back for some regions.
Guess those tree just kept growing while under water for a year.
Or varve dating...the layers deposited in lakes. Lake Suigetsu shows no signs of a global deluge in the last 52000 years, or we would have heard about it.
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
believing archeologists estimates in years based pn carbon dating would be like believing the overlapping generation teaching
Just imagine every religious book on the planet teaching the overlapping generations. And any religious leader (including non-JudeoChristian) teaching it. And any honest non religious scholar on a relevant subject (e.g theology) would confirm the overlapping generations as well.
That's what you are dismissing when thoughtlessly dismissing dating methods.
just read over the long thread about a letter to hq regarding noah's flood.
reminded of another literal litmus test.
within 7 years of beginning telescopic observations of the heavens, galileo was called to judgment by the inquisition in 1616. disputes in this case abound, but the biblical arguments for which galileo was tried and condemned "revolved" around i chronicles 16:30, psalms 93:1, 96:10, 104.5 and ecclesiastes 1:5, summarized by "the world is established; it shall never be moved.
Yeah well...If a parable question (Who is really the faithful and discreet slave?) must be read as a literal fact, and the next sentence (...if that evil slave...) is clearly figurative, anything goes.
Fact is that never did the Bible show us anything scientific correct.
While science progressed, interpretations of Bible myth were changed to support scientific discoveries so religious people didn't look too stupid (some do anyway).
Looking back we can say: look, the Bible already said so. But the Bible never said it clear enough to state the facts correctly before the scientific discovery of such facts.
Just like prophecies can only be matched to a fullfilment after the supposedly predicted event.
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
There are so many dating methods and they are all used to confirm (or not) the validity of the other methods...
I'm quite sure everyone who shouts something about carbon dating rocks to millions of years old shows his own lack of knowledge on that subject, and is automatically disqualified on the topic. Especially when they try to dismiss just a single method with no valid theory or evidence on why that method is flawed, or how the other methods are wrong as well.
Why do I say that? Carbon dating is used on organic materials (not rocks) up to 60.000 (not millions) years old. If you can't get these basic facts correct, your understanding of the topic is failing big time.
(Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect)
Guess what: thousands of scientists eager to make a breakthrough discovery by proving existing methods wrong work their whole lives on refining these methods. They can be wrong, sure. But what is more likely: after years of research and verification by other researchers the methods they come up with somewhat work? Or you and me, without any knowledge, truly know the methods wrong from behind our kitchen table?
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Perry: "We can see the forest is on fire. Every forest fire has an Ignitor. What is the Ignitor for this forest fire?"
Most sensible people: "We don't know yet, but there are several things we can think of: lightning, a camp fire, sun rays through a looking glass, a hot car exhaust, heat-producing bacteria...and probably processes we dont even know about now. Let's try and find out."
Perry: "It must be Prometheus because it says so in this cool ancient story I like!"
Some people need zero evidence to jump from a question to a very specific answer. Even when their answer isn't very logical at all. Or when all possible answers are far beyond our realm and current comprehension.
There is no arguing with (or against) that.
i know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
Of course, this is the model presentation you can adapt to your situation. And it might not go like this at all. But talk to your parents. Many times, one of them is more sensitive for the emotions of the children; talk to that parent first.
Don't fight them (back). Don't shout (back). But be firm.
What you do or say when some guys try to pressure you into smoking? What would you do or say when a guy tried to pressure you into having sex with him? Watchtower Corp. is about to rape your mind. Your parents don't know what you know, and they are about to help Watchtower Corp. Politely, but firmly tell them to stand down.
Please talk to some counselor not related to the cult, like at school or something. There is a reason you're out here asking internet strangers for help. You need help. And since we don't know you or your parents in person, there not much we can do than shout DON'T DO IT!
Whatever your decision and actions, we're here for you. Own your own mind; you are more free at your age than most of us at 35.
Stay strong.
we are two students from holland, who would like some information about jehovah witnesses.
especially about the invisible return of jesus.
on which bible scripts do you ground this?
Hier ook. PM als je wilt.
Or continue in English on the forum.
i've personally never met any of those who claim to be anointed but the other jw's who have are always unanimous in their praise of how lovely and what wonderful people they are.
and i don't mean the gb i mean common or garden anointed.
i was told that when they speak about being in heaven that they almost "seem to glow".. is this right?
I knew the DO/CO fulano mentioned, and confirm his story.
In my city there was an old lady anointed. Imagine one of those old hunched strange ladies that feed doves on town square? That's her, but minus the bird feed and plus the WT/Awake.
She had been DFED for immorality and reinstated later, anointed all the way anyway.
Always out in FS, especially street preaching. A known face in town.
Once she app roaches a guy in a wheelchair, reads a verse: 'look, you can walk again!' They guy politely declined the lit offer. "Then just keep in your wheelchair!" she blurted out, and rushed off
Final years she became even weirder, shouting at bank telllers when she was out of money and stuff. Probably first signs of dementia.
She was quite kind, but quite weird as well. Not someone I would trust with my kingdom...
you brothers who gave talks do you thinks about the crap you spoke from the platform.. thirty years old, no knowledge what so ever of the world we live in, barely making the grade.
to graduate from high school, a year and half in jc college and now with schooling of jw higher.
education i thought i was a hell of a speaker.
It describes almost any elder in any congregation.
It describes almost every Jdub.
It described me when I was still in, thinking I knew so much about God, the Bible, and science. I'm still baffled by the sheer ignorance that presented itself as expertise.
There is a reason the GB and regular JW trudge on....and this is it. If they would be aware of how little they actually know, they'd cry their heart out.
The few who know they don't know jack (like the guys that wrote the Insight books) either leave or kill their own minds with increasing zeal just to silence their inner voice saying "WTF ARE YOU DOING!"